Things Travelers Should Pack When Visiting the Historic Ado Awaye

Ado Awaye, located in the southwestern region of Nigeria, is a place rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. This historic town boasts unique attractions, including the famous Ado-Awaye Suspended Lake and the Oke-Ado Mountain, which is also home to the intriguing Iyake Lake. If you’re planning a visit to this captivating destination, there are certain essentials you should pack to ensure a comfortable and enriching experience. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through seven things travelers should pack when visiting Ado Awaye.

1. Comfortable Footwear:

Ado Awaye’s terrain can be rugged and hilly, so it’s vital to pack comfortable and sturdy footwear. A good pair of hiking boots or durable sneakers will ensure you can explore the area with ease. The trails can be steep and uneven, so appropriate footwear is essential for a safe and enjoyable visit.

Things Travelers Should Pack When Visiting the Historic Ado Awaye

2. Weather-Appropriate Clothing:

The weather in Ado Awaye can be unpredictable, so it’s best to pack layers and weather-appropriate clothing. For the hot and humid conditions, it’s advisable to wear lightweight, breathable clothing, and consider carrying a rain jacket or umbrella for occasional rain showers. Don’t forget to bring a hat and sunscreen for sun protection as well.

3. Water and Snacks:

Given the nature of the area and the physical activity involved in exploring the attractions, it’s important to stay hydrated. Bring a refillable water bottle to ensure you have access to clean drinking water throughout your visit. Additionally, pack some snacks like energy bars, nuts, or fruits to keep your energy levels up during your adventure.

4. Insect Repellent:

The lush greenery and outdoor activities in Ado Awaye can expose you to insects and mosquitoes. To avoid discomfort and potential health risks, it’s wise to pack a good quality insect repellent. Make sure it’s effective against the local species, and apply it regularly.

5. Camera and Binoculars:

The stunning landscapes and natural wonders of Ado Awaye are a photographer’s dream. Don’t forget to pack your camera to capture the breathtaking views and unique sights. Binoculars can also enhance your experience, especially when birdwatching or observing wildlife.

Things Travelers Should Pack When Visiting the Historic Ado Awaye

6. Local Currency and Basic Medications:

While Ado Awaye offers a unique experience, it’s essential to remember that it may not have all the conveniences of a major city. Ensure you have some local currency (Nigerian Naira) with you, as there might be limited ATMs in the area. Additionally, pack a basic first aid kit with essential medications like pain relievers, antihistamines, and any personal prescription drugs you might need.

7. Respectful Attire and Cultural Awareness:

Ado Awaye is a place of historical and cultural significance. When exploring the town and interacting with locals, it’s important to dress modestly and respect local customs and traditions. While there isn’t a strict dress code, wearing respectful attire, such as clothing that covers your shoulders and knees, is appreciated.

In addition to attire, it’s a good practice to learn about the local customs and etiquette, like greetings and gestures, to show your appreciation for the local culture.


A visit to Ado Awaye promises an unforgettable experience filled with natural beauty, history, and culture. These Things Travelers Should Pack When Visiting the Historic Ado Awaye and being mindful of local customs, you’ll be well-prepared to make the most of your trip. Remember to prioritize comfort and safety to ensure your journey to Ado Awaye is both enriching and memorable. Enjoy your adventure!


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